Thursday, November 25, 2010

love u!!

I LOVE U!!!! 

i can't image how much i love u...u done to much for me...u sacrifies a lot for me syg!! even u have a lots of troublesome,u still help me...u still try to make me love deeply give u strength,being loved by someone deeply give u courage i hope we be everlasting for ever and through whatever problems that come,together..all up's and down's i'll be by your side syg..i want u to know this...all my heart belong to u one can own me like u one can love me like u one can make me crazy like u heart belong to your,my soul dies for u,my eyes cries for u,and my empty arm always reach for u...i want to say sorry to u coz make u so damn tried and trouble for u..i really don't know it will ends like this syg..i hope u still love me..coz i always love u...i can't forget about what we through today..even for several hour...i do a lot of thing..i gonna miss u again and again and's so long waiting 19december syg...but we have to wait for it...i know i'm gonna cry..but nothing we can do...we must be strong syg...don't think to much about your work ok syg...if are fired,u can tried another job..who know u gonna get a better job..with higher salary kan3??? i also can help u to find job syg..i always be there for u...u no need to keep a secret from me syg...i don't care..i'm your girlfriend so i must know everything about your problem and yourself syg!! u pun tau ni kan...if u don't want me to keep a secret from u,u must not keep a secret from me first..if u think i can accept what u gonna tell me,,,u are so wrong syg...even it's hard for me to accept it,,i always tried to accept it syg..coz i know u like this we should share every we gonna be happily ever after syg...u don't worry about the meeting syg...if your boss talk about u,,just keep quite...if u can't hold your anger just msg with me syg...i wait for u..ok??? or if your boss scold u too much just walk off the meeting la syg...thats a easy one..but if u do that means u take a big risk kan syg...take your time syg..think about this...don't take a short distance...take a long distance..even it take a lots of time it give u a good result la syg....i just want u to know that i love u so much..and i love u more than u know...thanks a lot for today syg...sorry coz not give u a comfortable place to sleep...i watch your face sleeping,so touch la syg...makes me so peacefull syg...                 ♥ 

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