Friday, November 19, 2010

just call him... =) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

what is our topic today??
hurmmmmmmm,,,i guess my birthday..
ok???? u should be asking y this topic kan?? 
of coz la because of my lovely fatty...(his not to fat but i love call him fat)
and because of thats also he wanna diet...omg!! no need la syg...i love the way u are...hehehehehehe...
i really can't wait my birthday even thought it's around the corner...i freaking miss u syg...
when my birthday arrived i'll be by your side ok syg!!! weeeeee~ i wanna hug u...

probally not this hug ok...
sorry my mistake...
*.* (blushing)

this is the correct one...

yes!! by that time i am by your side..hugging u..awwwww..i miss u laaa laaa...times so slow..
i can't wait any longer..coz i feel like i gonna get a fever...haaaaaaaaaaa~ trouble always come kan syg...
ok run of topic...
hurmmm syg!! i wanna eat sushi... yay!!! can??? :) plsss3...(show cute faces)...
huhuhuhu..boleh ea syg...sob3....hurmmmm syg nanti kita pergi tempat hari tu nak?? yang u bagi sy bunga tu..ingat lagi x??? duduk sana nak?? romantik kan???
haaaaaaaaaaaa..tempat ni syg...nak x?? btw,syg this is call view..dalam bahasa melayu dia permandangan...ok??

syg betul sy rindu u sangat2 dah... :'( sedih sangat...

I hide my tear when i call your name,
but the pain in my heart is still the same,
Although i smile and seem carefree,
There is no one who misses u more than me!!!

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