Wednesday, November 17, 2010

2 days not enough...i still miss u a lot!!

I know this day u really tired coz didn't sleep all day along.but u still follow us...
i'm so touching la...we had a lot of fun together..even can't "manje2"..

i know u bored but u want me to feel ok so
u make happy face till u were really tired + hungry = sad face...i really scared..i though u angry at i think what i do wrong...
we = me,my little brother,lil sis,my mom and MY LOVER...we go to sunway all day along...
i hope u also happy hang out with my parents...coz i really hope my family like and accept they really like and accept u so much..heheheheh...u take care of my little brother...make me thing how if in a future we have child of our own..u be such a good father syg...I LOVE U SOOO MUCH!!! do u happy hang out with my parents??? i had a good memory syg...u make me happy every day....i'll never forget this... 

In sunway i saw 1 handsome beach boy...wuuuuhuuuuu...he so smart,tough and really adorable....i want to kiss him....i want to hug him....i want to live forever with him...can i???? i really thinking of him every day,every moment,and every aaa???  do him love me???
argh~~~~  i hope soooo....lalalalalalalalala

here are my beach boy!! handsome kan???
WARNING:Do not come near him...

For next day we go to i-city shah alam...for the record 16/11/2010 is my last day going to i-city..i'll never go to i-city ever and ever again!!! i not do this because u force me..i do this for u...for our own good don't think to much ok...i always love u..just say what u don't like...i'll never do it again...ok syg...muah3!!!
so here are our little memory going i-city ok syg...for the last time...ok??? because of i-city we had a fight..aaaaa,,,so paranoid la us...i don't want to be sad..i want to be we must learn to avoid fighting...ok x syg this idea??

this 2 picture is my face before we fighting...heheheheh...look so adorable kan??
hahahahahah  X)
and this are our make over after we had a fight face so bad....
sob3.. :'(

p/s:because he so mature..he say sorry and "pujuk" sy..hehehehe...he said once i arrived jb call and wake him up...(he didn't sleep at all but playing xbox..hahahah...)even that i'm not angry at him...coz i don't want to be sad....

new chapter!!
when morning i awake..i suddently do my every day schdule..playing mall world on i check my notification my syg tagged me in a i open this song and some cute little words make me feel happy...i suddently go crazy...senyum2 seorang je..hahahahahaah

Fattfatt Fatt Fatt

Fattfatt Fatt Fatt Nadzirah Rahmanmaybe i say sorry....also no i just wanna do someting to make ur pain
gone....more good then i say sorry to u syg...(sorry) is just a word u cant feel
it is real or lie....right?? so i love u syg!!!!!!!!!!!but u alrealy

(hehehehhe,,,my syg so cute....)

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