Wednesday, November 24, 2010

i hope u know...

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I wish u know how much i been worry bout u think this is easy??? 
i been waited for u in 3hour...and u still not understand how worried i am..
i never cried hard like this before...
i cried for u!! i worried bout u!!! and u think i can let it go just like that???
u are so wrong...i can't stop crying..coz i think something bad happen to's doesn't matter if u not in a good mood...U promised me,u gonna call me when it's finish...
when u mssgng me i thought it has finish..soo i call u...u said wait for a while..IT"S NOT A WHILE!!! its a long time..When a 2nd msg delivered i can't hold it any that i call u..but when i call u,u said it has finish..can u imagine how u crush my heart?? i feel really bad...why u can't just give me a single call tell me that u are ok..u are doing fine..u has finish..u now otw to usj!!! not when arrived !!!!!! i'm sorry make u feel worst..but u make me do this u think "IF I JUST GIVE HER A CALL SO THAT SHE KNOW THAT I"M OK???" 
why u can't think that???

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