Friday, November 12, 2010

excident ~ ~

here is his beloved car...the RED colour myvi..
btw other car is my friends car...NOT myvi group ok...
he always give me drive his car coz his lazy to wake up and send me to collage... matter what i always love u tau syg....cakap2 sikit je ni...
but this car also give me a nighmare la wey...i'll never forget that day...
since that tragedic also i get good...
the story starting like this...
once upon the time...
ceh ceh ceh...
NAD this is not 50centuries ok..
that day i was when 6pm he ask me..
"syg,,u nak buka apa hari ni,,subway nak?? "
so faster i answer "ok"...
otw to ioi puchong,,where i got my nightmare..
in the middle of traffic jam we (me,fatt,eva) saw EVO...
because of that evo also we had an excident...
aiyoooyo...damn hurt...
hit was on my side oooooo..
my feet hurt,,got blood...wuuhuuuu..
but eva is hurt more than me la....
lucky me...
but my syg didn't hurt at all..
what la...must be the driver hurt...not the passanger...sob3...
so below is the car after the excident:
syg....ok kan??? sabar ye...nasib je sekarang kereta dah ok...bawa slow2...lambat2 pun sampai juga la syg...
p/s to all driver: don't look at evo...evo is EVIL car...hahahahha =)

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