Wednesday, December 22, 2010

1st time tulis blog....

syg sy 1st time tulis blog.....tak pernah pun...tapi sebab u sy tulis je....huhu....syg sy rindu u sangat rindu bau u, rindu suara u, nak peluk u, nak cium u, nak u teman sy.....tapi tak boleh kan jumpa u .....kita juah...tapi sy memang syg u je......hari2 masa bangun tidur pun 1st memang fikir u nak sangat hari2 boleh peluk u syg....tapi sebab u nak kerja dah sekarang tak apa kita sama2 cari duit je nanti kita nak pergi langkawi....banyak je bende kita nak buat kena rajin je kerja.....tapi syg u jangan gatal2 tau..!!!!janji ya.....

my lovely syg birthday.....

syg sy tau hari tu u birthday sy pun sedih sangat2...lepas tu sy bangun sy terus je fikir nak kasih u satu matter sy susah macam mana....sebab nak pujuk u je....haha..sweet hari tu pun happy sangat sebab sy dapat pergi....kasih u cake...masa pun belum lepas....nyanyi lagu kasih u lagi...huhu happy tak syg.....LOVE U!!!!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

love u!!

I LOVE U!!!! 

i can't image how much i love u...u done to much for me...u sacrifies a lot for me syg!! even u have a lots of troublesome,u still help me...u still try to make me love deeply give u strength,being loved by someone deeply give u courage i hope we be everlasting for ever and through whatever problems that come,together..all up's and down's i'll be by your side syg..i want u to know this...all my heart belong to u one can own me like u one can love me like u one can make me crazy like u heart belong to your,my soul dies for u,my eyes cries for u,and my empty arm always reach for u...i want to say sorry to u coz make u so damn tried and trouble for u..i really don't know it will ends like this syg..i hope u still love me..coz i always love u...i can't forget about what we through today..even for several hour...i do a lot of thing..i gonna miss u again and again and's so long waiting 19december syg...but we have to wait for it...i know i'm gonna cry..but nothing we can do...we must be strong syg...don't think to much about your work ok syg...if are fired,u can tried another job..who know u gonna get a better job..with higher salary kan3??? i also can help u to find job syg..i always be there for u...u no need to keep a secret from me syg...i don't care..i'm your girlfriend so i must know everything about your problem and yourself syg!! u pun tau ni kan...if u don't want me to keep a secret from u,u must not keep a secret from me first..if u think i can accept what u gonna tell me,,,u are so wrong syg...even it's hard for me to accept it,,i always tried to accept it syg..coz i know u like this we should share every we gonna be happily ever after syg...u don't worry about the meeting syg...if your boss talk about u,,just keep quite...if u can't hold your anger just msg with me syg...i wait for u..ok??? or if your boss scold u too much just walk off the meeting la syg...thats a easy one..but if u do that means u take a big risk kan syg...take your time syg..think about this...don't take a short distance...take a long distance..even it take a lots of time it give u a good result la syg....i just want u to know that i love u so much..and i love u more than u know...thanks a lot for today syg...sorry coz not give u a comfortable place to sleep...i watch your face sleeping,so touch la syg...makes me so peacefull syg...                 ♥ 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

i hope u know...

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" height="344" width="425"></iframe><input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden"><div id="refHTML"></div>

I wish u know how much i been worry bout u think this is easy??? 
i been waited for u in 3hour...and u still not understand how worried i am..
i never cried hard like this before...
i cried for u!! i worried bout u!!! and u think i can let it go just like that???
u are so wrong...i can't stop crying..coz i think something bad happen to's doesn't matter if u not in a good mood...U promised me,u gonna call me when it's finish...
when u mssgng me i thought it has finish..soo i call u...u said wait for a while..IT"S NOT A WHILE!!! its a long time..When a 2nd msg delivered i can't hold it any that i call u..but when i call u,u said it has finish..can u imagine how u crush my heart?? i feel really bad...why u can't just give me a single call tell me that u are ok..u are doing fine..u has finish..u now otw to usj!!! not when arrived !!!!!! i'm sorry make u feel worst..but u make me do this u think "IF I JUST GIVE HER A CALL SO THAT SHE KNOW THAT I"M OK???" 
why u can't think that???

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

missing u badly...

awwwwww,,,if u know how much i miss u's hurt missing someone who is far from us..
can i make a wish???  if i can...
so sad syg...everyday i was thinking of u..
how are u doing..
what are u doing..
are u fine..even u sick also
i don't even know about it syg...can u imagine how hurt is that...
futhermore,,our sleeping time not the same..when i sleep u busy working,when i awake u the one gonna sleep...thats why every day i tried to sleep late..i want to messaging with u..i really want...
coz i fucking MISS U!!!! this whole post is about i miss u syg....

coz i miss u too much i play such annoying thing tau!!!

everyday wake up i was thinking that when i open my eyes u always be by my side...sob3...really sad la syg...
even single minutes i watch our picture...i really sad...
rasa rindu sangat nak gigit u..
nak tengok muka u jerit sebab sy gigit sakit...
nanti memang sy takut..terus buat muka kesian ...u pun xjadi nak marah sy kan??

rindu nak u peluk sy..dulu hari2 pun kita jumpa...
nak peluk pun memang pun xrindu u teruk macam ni kan...
sekarang sorang dekat jb
sorang dekat kl
memang sedih la sangat2...
bila semalam masa kita berbual dekat phone
kita cerita pasal kawin..
memang xtau kenapa sy happy sangat...
sebab sy tau bila dah kawin u pun hari2 akan ada dekat dengan sy
sy pun xpayah fikir apa dah...
(sorry syg..memang sy dah janji xakan nangis..
tapi sekarang xdapat tahan sangat rindu dekat u..terus je nangis sendiri)
so sekarang sy nak je jumpa u...nak je peluk u...nak je u syg sy...
sy nak nak nak u..
sy nak u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p/s:i was crying when i type this post coz i keep thingking bout u..hear this sad song...argh!!
i can't hold it any longer la syg!!! macam mana ni????

Friday, November 19, 2010

just call him... =) ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

what is our topic today??
hurmmmmmmm,,,i guess my birthday..
ok???? u should be asking y this topic kan?? 
of coz la because of my lovely fatty...(his not to fat but i love call him fat)
and because of thats also he wanna diet...omg!! no need la syg...i love the way u are...hehehehehehe...
i really can't wait my birthday even thought it's around the corner...i freaking miss u syg...
when my birthday arrived i'll be by your side ok syg!!! weeeeee~ i wanna hug u...

probally not this hug ok...
sorry my mistake...
*.* (blushing)

this is the correct one...

yes!! by that time i am by your side..hugging u..awwwww..i miss u laaa laaa...times so slow..
i can't wait any longer..coz i feel like i gonna get a fever...haaaaaaaaaaa~ trouble always come kan syg...
ok run of topic...
hurmmm syg!! i wanna eat sushi... yay!!! can??? :) plsss3...(show cute faces)...
huhuhuhu..boleh ea syg...sob3....hurmmmm syg nanti kita pergi tempat hari tu nak?? yang u bagi sy bunga tu..ingat lagi x??? duduk sana nak?? romantik kan???
haaaaaaaaaaaa..tempat ni syg...nak x?? btw,syg this is call view..dalam bahasa melayu dia permandangan...ok??

syg betul sy rindu u sangat2 dah... :'( sedih sangat...

I hide my tear when i call your name,
but the pain in my heart is still the same,
Although i smile and seem carefree,
There is no one who misses u more than me!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

2 days not enough...i still miss u a lot!!

I know this day u really tired coz didn't sleep all day along.but u still follow us...
i'm so touching la...we had a lot of fun together..even can't "manje2"..

i know u bored but u want me to feel ok so
u make happy face till u were really tired + hungry = sad face...i really scared..i though u angry at i think what i do wrong...
we = me,my little brother,lil sis,my mom and MY LOVER...we go to sunway all day along...
i hope u also happy hang out with my parents...coz i really hope my family like and accept they really like and accept u so much..heheheheh...u take care of my little brother...make me thing how if in a future we have child of our own..u be such a good father syg...I LOVE U SOOO MUCH!!! do u happy hang out with my parents??? i had a good memory syg...u make me happy every day....i'll never forget this... 

In sunway i saw 1 handsome beach boy...wuuuuhuuuuu...he so smart,tough and really adorable....i want to kiss him....i want to hug him....i want to live forever with him...can i???? i really thinking of him every day,every moment,and every aaa???  do him love me???
argh~~~~  i hope soooo....lalalalalalalalala

here are my beach boy!! handsome kan???
WARNING:Do not come near him...

For next day we go to i-city shah alam...for the record 16/11/2010 is my last day going to i-city..i'll never go to i-city ever and ever again!!! i not do this because u force me..i do this for u...for our own good don't think to much ok...i always love u..just say what u don't like...i'll never do it again...ok syg...muah3!!!
so here are our little memory going i-city ok syg...for the last time...ok??? because of i-city we had a fight..aaaaa,,,so paranoid la us...i don't want to be sad..i want to be we must learn to avoid fighting...ok x syg this idea??

this 2 picture is my face before we fighting...heheheheh...look so adorable kan??
hahahahahah  X)
and this are our make over after we had a fight face so bad....
sob3.. :'(

p/s:because he so mature..he say sorry and "pujuk" sy..hehehehe...he said once i arrived jb call and wake him up...(he didn't sleep at all but playing xbox..hahahah...)even that i'm not angry at him...coz i don't want to be sad....

new chapter!!
when morning i awake..i suddently do my every day schdule..playing mall world on i check my notification my syg tagged me in a i open this song and some cute little words make me feel happy...i suddently go crazy...senyum2 seorang je..hahahahahaah

Fattfatt Fatt Fatt

Fattfatt Fatt Fatt Nadzirah Rahmanmaybe i say sorry....also no i just wanna do someting to make ur pain
gone....more good then i say sorry to u syg...(sorry) is just a word u cant feel
it is real or lie....right?? so i love u syg!!!!!!!!!!!but u alrealy

(hehehehhe,,,my syg so cute....)

Saturday, November 13, 2010


haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,,,,actually planning go to langkawi next year...but i can't wait to write about it..coz i'm to excited getting there...relax...just two of us...thats gonna be super dupper great syg!!! i can imagine how are we doing there...wuuuhuuuuuu~ with this most relaxing place..hopefully we are not fighting..huhuhuh...rasa2 boleh ke kita xgaduh syg??? hahahahha

tengok syg...tenang je kan....xsabar la syg nak pergi....macam hari2 mimpi je...hahahahhaha...u rasa kita betul dapat pergi ke syg??? u kan pun nanti kerja...sob3...takut xada masa je...uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...  ;'(  teruk la...macam mana ni syg...
janji dengan sy kita mesti pergi ye langkawi...kalau bukan tahun depan pun xapa..janji je mesti pergi,,, nak tunggu kawin baru pergi?? muahahahahahha...

nanti bila kita pergi sana kita buat ye syg benda ni...u jangan risau memang xlemas...dia siap oxygen...kalau u lemas pun jangan risau..memang sy selamat kan u syg...xapa la sy mati...u mesti selamat punya..ok??? love u syg...muah3...sweet x sy??? hahahhaha...sebab sy memang syg sgt dengan LAI KWONG HUAT...yay!!!

p/s:Kepada semua perempuan:don't u'll dare to come near him or steal him from me...i'll KILL u!!!! his my and only lover!!! i love him so much... =)

Friday, November 12, 2010

miss u so much ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Just now i messaging with my beloved he doing his job..wiring...yes3...
he also known as doctor expert about this thing..same as my father..
 He really good at his job...always help people and his worker..every time people call him ask him help he always help them..sometime when his leave also he soooooo bz...I think 30% topic for fighting is include this matter...hahahahha...betul x syg???

ISH3!!!  run of topic...actually i want to talk about this....lagi pun syg dah pesan jangan cakap yang syg sy buli sy je...hehehehhe  =)
Kari Ayam!!!
tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!  waaaakakakakak...
this is my 2nd time i cook for him since we buy the't true syg??? 1st time masak untuk syg,,,sy buat sayur yang u suka sangat kan..."Terung Sambal"...hehehhehe...tapi sekarang nak cerita pasal kari ni...
penat oooooooo buat....huhuhuhu...tapi sedih je...xjadi pun kari ayam ni....ok...nak tau kenapa nak xcreate post pasal kari ni??? haaaaa,,mesti la sebab syg sy tu dah lupa macam mana sy ajar dia masak kari ni...hahahha....syg ingat ni....
  • 1/2 ekor ayam - dipotong ikut saiz yg syg suka
  • bahan a) 10 biji bawang putih dan 3 inci halia - diblender(kalau xboleh ketuk je)
  • bahan b) 1 biji bwang bsar, dihiris2. 4 tangkai daun kari, 1 batang kayu manis, 3 kuntum bunga lawang
  • bahan c)  2 btg serai diketuk
  • bahan d) 8 sb serbuk kari ayam
  • ubi kentang - ikut suka byk mana
  • 3/4 santan atau susu cair
  • bahan e) serbuk lada hitam, serbuk lada sulah, serbuk ketumbar, serbuk jintan manis. kuantiti, ikut yg anda suka(kalau xada xpayah pun xapa,,,)
  • garam secukup rasa


  1. tumis bahan a) sehingga naik bau kemudian masukkan bahan b) dan bahan c). Tumis hingga daun kari agak garing.
  2. masukkan ayam dan ubi kentang. Tutup periuk. masa menumis ayam ni mesti anda akan mula terbau aroma wangian masakan ni. hmmm....pasti memikat. ni la ramuan rahsia. sebab tumis dng serai n pandan tu. tumis lebih kurang 3 minit. pastikan syg masak dgn api perlahan. ni ikut petua yg mak sy bagi tu la.
  3. masukkan sedikit air, dan tutup periuk semula. biarkan lebih kurang 5 minit atau sehingga air aroma ayam tu keluar.
  4. tambah air mengikut kuantiti kuah yg syg nak. tutup periuk dan biarkan air mendidih.
  5. bila air kuah dah mendidih, baru la masukkan bahan d) masukkan bahan e). masak sehingga ramuan rempah ni masak dan sebati. ingat selalu tutup periuk dan masak dgn api pelahan. kalau nak dapatkan rasa yg lazat. jd kena ikut petua la ni.
  6. bila kuah kari dan ayam dah masak dan empuk, barulah masukkan santan/susu cair dan garam. ikut kata mak ni garam masuk last. kemudian biarkan kuah ni mendidih dan semua ramuan ni cukup masak dan sebati, dan bolehlah dihidangkan.
  7. ayam kari ni memang sedap sangat 

ok syg....selamat mencuba...mesti makan nasi tau syg...xelok makan mee je..dulu marah sy hari2 makan mee...sekarang u pulak sibuk nak makan mee je hari2...xpayah diet la suka u gemuk!!!
love u syg...
i miss u sooo much...i hope u do so...
jangan lupa makan nasi...

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

tiba2 sy rasa nak letak lagu ni...

1.sebab sy suka sangat lagu ni..

2.sebab nak dekat time tidur sy dah.

3.rindu u...

4.nak tengok muka u dengar sy nyanyi lagu ni(mesti u tunjuk muka bosan...heheheh)

Jason Mraz - You And I Both [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO] (With Annotated Lyrics)

excident ~ ~

here is his beloved car...the RED colour myvi..
btw other car is my friends car...NOT myvi group ok...
he always give me drive his car coz his lazy to wake up and send me to collage... matter what i always love u tau syg....cakap2 sikit je ni...
but this car also give me a nighmare la wey...i'll never forget that day...
since that tragedic also i get good...
the story starting like this...
once upon the time...
ceh ceh ceh...
NAD this is not 50centuries ok..
that day i was when 6pm he ask me..
"syg,,u nak buka apa hari ni,,subway nak?? "
so faster i answer "ok"...
otw to ioi puchong,,where i got my nightmare..
in the middle of traffic jam we (me,fatt,eva) saw EVO...
because of that evo also we had an excident...
aiyoooyo...damn hurt...
hit was on my side oooooo..
my feet hurt,,got blood...wuuhuuuu..
but eva is hurt more than me la....
lucky me...
but my syg didn't hurt at all..
what la...must be the driver hurt...not the passanger...sob3...
so below is the car after the excident:
syg....ok kan??? sabar ye...nasib je sekarang kereta dah ok...bawa slow2...lambat2 pun sampai juga la syg...
p/s to all driver: don't look at evo...evo is EVIL car...hahahahha =)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

ok 1st thing is congrat to my new born blog...wuuhuuu...finally i made our blog kan...of coz bahasa akan 
jadi campur2..coz we also mix what..ok??
heheheh...hurm this lover call lai kwong huat and nadzirah...just call him fatt...why this name been given?? i also don't know...sob3...he always cheer me up with his cute faces and his tummy...yes i know it's sounds funny but it's true...when i scold him,he gonna be more anger than me...huhuhu...
Me,,,i'm just difficult person..always angry...everyday also ask him to start a wars with me...huk3...
but i'm always win...even i win a lot of pain i get...then after 2hour he sure slow talk with me..coz i can hold it longer...hahahah..bodoh kan..ajak gaduh tapi sendiri yang sedih...hahahha...The other side is our happiness..a lot we through it together...i can't even forget about it...everyday also remind myself about it...
omg,,,i miss u a lot syg....

sorry i gtg,,,need to watch tv drama..(ulik mayang,tv3)
need u all to know this...

fatt = sepet
nad = lolok...
hahahhaha..coz my eyes is bigger...but his eyes so sepet one...when smile can't see ady....