Friday, March 4, 2011

missing u to much....

i'm just hopping u'll treat me like before..i really miss LAI KWONG HUAT that reallyn love matter what happen,or how hard i scold him,he still loving me so much..u pinky promise with me that u will stay by my side no matter what happen to us..we will through this together..syg..i really need u know...everyday i woke up i wonder why u didn't call me..say that u love me?? u never call me syg like old time...u change a lot..what i do wrong??why u can't love me anymore?? everyday i cry,i miss u..but u seem like not miss me at u love me?? haiz...what i promise to u i'll make it true..plsss wait...plss hold on..plsss love me like old time...i never forget about u...u be in my mind all the time..i'll do anythng for us to be together back..

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

blurrrr.. -.-??

something bad just happen in my life...and now i'm just like people in the middle of a string waiting time to falling down...omg! what just happen in my life?? i hope u'll call me and said "syg,,,i really need u know and i'll through this journy with u,,no matter what gonna happen next..i'll be next to u and hold your hand...we gonna win this together...."haizzzz...what i promise to u i'll make it...sumpah..i love u forever..and it never decrease,every day it become more and more every day..i hope u will hold on for me...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

i love u more than u know~

What just happen to us??

Where gone our love before?? Why can’t I find it back?? It will be great if I were born as chinese or u were born as malay..Why we even meet at the 1st place?? Why GOD to this to us? Why this religion problem come out?? Do GOD know I love u?? After  100% i give all my heart to u,,I just can’t stop loving u..why this matter come out now?? Almost 1 year we been together syg… A lot of memories we been create together,we laugh,we mad,we fighting,,,even single thing I can remember until today..U make me smile,u make angry,u make cry..How come I can forget u so easily???? Plsss tell me the way?? I don’t want u to suffer,I know now is really hard moment for u,I cant fell it..i want to help u but how hard I try to let go of u,more deeper I think about our love…why syg,,WHY???!!!! Do I had a way to forget u?? plss tell me if got something.. I know I’m a bad girlfriend plsss tell me a way to help u?? anything I’ll do it…  when I try to forget about it and I try to sleep I can’t close my eyes..that moment I’ll remember how u hug me,how u kiss me….ARGH!!! so tense rite now…I can’t even stop crying…syg I love u so we still can love each other?? Do u still love me like old time? Did someday u will hold my hand and say “will u  marry me”??? did I alone been dream about it all the time?? I really hope someday I will married with u,and having child on our own,grown old together…haiz…why it come hard way for us??? Yes I promise u,,u still get a path to change it…but I really scare if I can’t but u should we do that time?? Can u tell me??? If I just can forget u using 1minute I’ll be so happy,,coz I know u’ll not suffer because of me anymore..u’ll not faces trouble anymore…that’s make me happy… u think broke up is the best???
I’m sooo damn sorry LAI KWONG HUAT..i just love u too much..if u can just hold me for 1 moment I’ll be soo happy…I just can’t stop crying..sorry syg~  :'(

Sunday, January 23, 2011


kalau kita kawin hidup susah macam mana pun xada bukan orang kecik2 dulu pun memang orang susah...susah je nak dapat makan..kalau makan pun makan nasi putih dengan kicap je...tapi sy xcakap apa pun bukan sebab sy kecik tapi sy tau apa yang family sy mampu bagi dekat sy...mak ayah sy kawin muda juga...mak umur 18 dah kawin...ok je...mula memang la hidup susah sikit...tapi kan kita mesti ok..sebab dua2 pun kerja..macam family sy dulu ayah je kerja mak xkerja pun...tapi pun xcukup sy boleh je faham dan sy xakan kisah pun...sebab sy kawin dengan u pun sebab sy tau u boleh jaga sy,syg sy..lagi pun kita dapat je duduk dekat..hari2 jumpa..boleh tengok u hari2...boleh jaga u...u takut ke syg?? sy pun takut..tapi sy tau kita akan ok kalau macam ni...xsusah2 pun...u boleh jaga sy + sy boleh jaga u..kan?? pasal duit?? kenapa masa kita sama2 dulu ok je?? makan magi xada cakap apa pun kan...ok je kan..sumpah sy xkisah pun hidup macam tu..sebab sy tau sy nak dekat sebelah u je syg....apa2 jadi pun kita boleh fikir sama2...cari duit pun tau sy pagi kerja,habis kerja sy tau syg sy dah tunggu sy dekat rumah..kita makan sama2,semua pun sama2...siap2,,sy teman u pula kerja memang xnampak susah kawin..sebab hati sy kata "nadzirah akan happy dengan lai kwong huat"...apa2 mula pun memang susah...tapi kena la fikir side baik,,jangan fikir susah dulu..kalau u fikir semua susah,,memang akan jadi susah...kita mula dari 1 syg,,baru dapat 10...ok?? jangan la pening,marah2 macam makin susah hati je macam boleh sabar,u pun mesti boleh...selasa kita jumpa ok syg u je..memang xada orang lain dah dalam hidup sy selain u...apa2 sy buat pun memang sy fikir u free kerja pun memang msg u je syg u banyak sangat...sorry la..ayah sy memang susah...awal2 lagi memang sy dah cakap ni...betul bila kawin memang dia xkacau dah...u boleh tanya mak sy,,,mak lagi kenal u syg..jangan la susah hati lagi syg...ok?? love u...muah3!!

Friday, January 21, 2011


kenapa???buat apa???sy betul tak faham la nak apa lagi ??saja nak raya cina je dengan syg je....tak boleh ke?bukan sebab sy tak nak kasih je call ayah u cakap....tapi memang rasa susah budak jahat meh? ke baik sangat ? sy saja tak nak family risau sangat saja tak nak buat hal kasih family sy je....kenapa nak jumpa pun susah >?syg betul la ayah u memang nak tanya2 je...dia tak pecaya sy....lagi pun dia nak tau je beul ke family sy boleh accept ke anak dia cina dengan malay....memang ada sakit hati je...masa u dah balik JB ayah u cakap je apa2 u nak...tapi memang apa pun nanti minta ada je sebab..ada je lain bende dia betul tak faham ada apa je masalah ?kalau dengan sy balik raya?hal ni besar sangat ke?sy dah buat banyak hal kasih family sy tak nak call pun sebab tak nak family sy nanti risau je tak tau anak dia buat apa lagi....betul ayah u pun susah2 je...ingat kan ayah u dah baik sangat je dengan sy...apa u suruh sy buat pun sy dah kan?minta maaf dengan dia sebab kuantan je cakap kasih dia tau u datang KL nanti sy nak hantar u balik...tapi sampai sekarang nak pergi raya pun nak macam bukan tak nak jumpa u ...bukan sy tak nak u teman sy raya...tapi betul susah je kalau cakap juah pun bukan juah sangat je...lagi pun saja 2-3 hari je boleh lama meh ?saja macam ni je tapi pun banyak je masalah...bukan anak dia tak balik pun nanti kan?ingat kan boleh jumpa u boleh je teman sy raya happy je nak naik bukit...tengok bintang2...pergi taman golore jalan2 (Lover Bridge)....zzzzzzzz

Thursday, January 20, 2011

give u my heart

nah!!!!syg sy kasih hati u ok???tolong jaga hati sy baik2 tau....sama je jaga sy syg memang sy ingat la hari ni annivesery kita la......saja tak cakap apa2.....tapi sy nak cakap sperker tu sy suka sangat .....tiba2 sy tengok sperker tu dengan mr.cookie memang rindu u sangat tau.....cepat datang la nak pelut u sangat......rindu sangat......haha...kelakar hari ni boleh tengok u tidur je....kat webcam....tapi dah putus la....zzzz....zzzzz...hari ni suka tak???kita ym lama je....hehe...cakap2 bende huhu kan....suka tak?? kalau syg suka kita ym je bila pun boleh ok?? u syg muack3 jaga ya hati sy.....

Monday, January 10, 2011

Big question marks!

How i gonna face the truth...are u gonna choose me?? it's make me feel bad..why should we be this way?? why we different culture?? why??? i really love u in many way...but why should had this problem..i really need u by my side...but now i realize i can have u if u not choose my way...i let u go with my open heart..even broken..i let u go...because we had to do so..we still can be good friend kan?? plss let me be your friend...until u found 1 good girl for u,,i'll never interrupt your relationship...ok?? i need time to forget about u,so while u single pls let me be your friend ok syg??? sorry i give u much trouble since we meet..nadzirah always like this..i'm so sorry for that..i can't be your best girlfriend..i'm sorry if i broke your heart..if i know this gonna happen i'll never accept u as friend in the first place..i'll never let u taste this trouble even a bit...but it's to late now...i'm so sorry...but i want u to that i'll never forget our happiness and sadness,our joy,our laugh all inside our memory will remain until the death...even i married,or not also i never forget all thing about u...coz u are best thing ever happen in my life...i never forget your "perut" your smile,your "lesung pipit" all about u make me always smile..sometimes i laugh by my self and suddently people thing i'm crazy coz i smile all alone...even i always make u mad deep inside my heart i care about u,i know i'm wrong...but my head so staburn,,sorry...i love u so matter what u choose i accept it..i never scold u,coz i know it's not u want to be this way... =)