Friday, March 4, 2011

missing u to much....

i'm just hopping u'll treat me like before..i really miss LAI KWONG HUAT that reallyn love matter what happen,or how hard i scold him,he still loving me so much..u pinky promise with me that u will stay by my side no matter what happen to us..we will through this together..syg..i really need u know...everyday i woke up i wonder why u didn't call me..say that u love me?? u never call me syg like old time...u change a lot..what i do wrong??why u can't love me anymore?? everyday i cry,i miss u..but u seem like not miss me at u love me?? haiz...what i promise to u i'll make it true..plsss wait...plss hold on..plsss love me like old time...i never forget about u...u be in my mind all the time..i'll do anythng for us to be together back..

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

blurrrr.. -.-??

something bad just happen in my life...and now i'm just like people in the middle of a string waiting time to falling down...omg! what just happen in my life?? i hope u'll call me and said "syg,,,i really need u know and i'll through this journy with u,,no matter what gonna happen next..i'll be next to u and hold your hand...we gonna win this together...."haizzzz...what i promise to u i'll make it...sumpah..i love u forever..and it never decrease,every day it become more and more every day..i hope u will hold on for me...