Thursday, February 10, 2011

i love u more than u know~

What just happen to us??

Where gone our love before?? Why can’t I find it back?? It will be great if I were born as chinese or u were born as malay..Why we even meet at the 1st place?? Why GOD to this to us? Why this religion problem come out?? Do GOD know I love u?? After  100% i give all my heart to u,,I just can’t stop loving u..why this matter come out now?? Almost 1 year we been together syg… A lot of memories we been create together,we laugh,we mad,we fighting,,,even single thing I can remember until today..U make me smile,u make angry,u make cry..How come I can forget u so easily???? Plsss tell me the way?? I don’t want u to suffer,I know now is really hard moment for u,I cant fell it..i want to help u but how hard I try to let go of u,more deeper I think about our love…why syg,,WHY???!!!! Do I had a way to forget u?? plss tell me if got something.. I know I’m a bad girlfriend plsss tell me a way to help u?? anything I’ll do it…  when I try to forget about it and I try to sleep I can’t close my eyes..that moment I’ll remember how u hug me,how u kiss me….ARGH!!! so tense rite now…I can’t even stop crying…syg I love u so we still can love each other?? Do u still love me like old time? Did someday u will hold my hand and say “will u  marry me”??? did I alone been dream about it all the time?? I really hope someday I will married with u,and having child on our own,grown old together…haiz…why it come hard way for us??? Yes I promise u,,u still get a path to change it…but I really scare if I can’t but u should we do that time?? Can u tell me??? If I just can forget u using 1minute I’ll be so happy,,coz I know u’ll not suffer because of me anymore..u’ll not faces trouble anymore…that’s make me happy… u think broke up is the best???
I’m sooo damn sorry LAI KWONG HUAT..i just love u too much..if u can just hold me for 1 moment I’ll be soo happy…I just can’t stop crying..sorry syg~  :'(